Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fix Bold and Italic Font Problem in Windows

I searched on Internet to find a working solution. I found a few solutions but none of them worked for me. At last I was able to fix this problem myself.

Here some method for you to fix the bold-italic font problem in Windows :

Method 1 : Apply Default Theme from Desktop Properties

If you are facing this bold-italic font problem, first of all you should try to re-apply default theme using Desktop Properties.

  1. Right-click on Desktop and select Personalize option. Windows XP users will have Properties option instead of Personalize.
  2. Now apply default Windows theme.
This process will restore all customized font and color settings made by you in Windows theme like changing font type, font size, font color, etc.

If it doesn't fix the font problem, try the next one mentioned below.

Method 2 : Reset Default Fonts Settings

In this step, we'll try to reset fonts settings in Windows.
  1. Type fonts in RUN or start menu search box and press Enter. It'll open Fonts folder. Alternatively you can open the same folder using Control Panel window.
  2. Now click on Font settings link present in left sidebar of Fonts window.
  3. Now click on Restore default fonts settings button as shown there.
  4. That's it. Restart your system and it should fix the problem.
If it doesn't help, try the next method.

Method 3 : Restore Default Registry Settings

Sometimes a few settings related to fonts in Windows Registry become corrupted which might also cause this weird bold-italic font issue. You can restore these Registry settings using following steps :
  1. Download following ZIP file, extract it and run the extracted REG file. It'll ask for confirmation, accept it : Download Registry Script
  2. Restart your system and it should fix the problem.
Method 4 : Reinstall Missing Fonts in Windows

If none of the above mentioned methods worked for you, this final method will definitely help you. In this ultimate method, we'll reinstall a few most common and widely used fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, Tahoma, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, MS Sans Serif and Segoe UI in Windows.

Actually sometimes a required font gets deleted accidentally by a software program or an update. When Windows doesn't find that font, it starts showing the text using another variation of that font or the default font set in Registry.

For example, Windows Vista and Windows 7 use "Segoe UI" font and if "Segoe UI Regular" font is deleted, Windows starts showing the text using "Segoe UI Bold Italic" font which is a separate font in Windows.

That's the main reason behind this annoying font problem. What we can do to fix the problem? We can try to reinstall common fonts in Windows which will provide the missing font to Windows and it'll start showing things normally.
  1. Download following ZIP file, extract it and you'll get a folder containing a few .ttf files which are actually font files. Download Missing Windows Fonts
  2. Now select all .ttf font files, right-click on any file and select Install option. Alternatively, you can open Fonts folder using the same step 1 mentioned in Method 2 and then drag-n-drop the downloaded .ttf font files in Fonts folder.
  3. Windows will show a confirmation dialog box telling you "The font is already installed. Do you want to replace it?" Click on Yes button.
  4. That's it. Once you copy all the fonts in Fonts folder, restart Windows and it'll 100% fix the annoying bold-italic font problem.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Answers of Concepts of Programming Languages 10th - Chapter 5

Martin - 1601213690

02 PBT

Review Questions

1. What are the design issues for names?
    * Case sensitive and special words of language reserved words or keywords

4. What is an alias?
    * Alias is more than one variable name can be used to access the same memory location.

5. Which category of C++ reference variables is always aliases?
    * Looping variables.

6. What is the l-value of a variable? What is the r-value?
    * l-value is short of "left hand side value"
    * r-value is short of "right hand side value"

7. Define binding and binding time.
    * A binding in a program is an association of an attribute with a program component such as an identifier or a symbol. For example the data type of the value of a variable is an attribute that is associated with the variable name.
    * The binding time for an attribute is the time at which the binding occurs. For example, in C the binding time for a variable type is when the program is compiled, but the value of the variable is not bound until the program executes.

9. Define static binding and dynamic binding.
    * Static binding, the compiler can resolve the binding at the compile time. All the instance method calls are always resolved at runtime, but all the static method calls are resolved at compile time itself and hence we have static binding for static method calls.
    * Dynamic binding refers to the case where compiler is not able to resolve the call and the binding is done at runtime only.

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of implicit declarations?
    * Advantage : flexibility ( generic code )
    * Disadvantage : Inefficient, because all attributes are dynamic. Loss of error detection.

11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic type binding?
    * Advantages : flexibility ( generic program units )
    * Disadvantages : high cost ( dynamic type checking and interpretation ), type error detection by the compiler is difficult.

Problem Set

1. Which of the following identifier forms is most readable? Support your decision.
    * sum_of_sales, because it's easier to see the spaces between words and easier to read.

2. Some programming languages are typeless. What are the obvious advantages and disadvantages of having no types in a language.
    * Advantages : allow users to write sloppy programs faster.
    * Disadvantages : cannot control the data and variables, compiler cannot detect any mistakes.

4. Dynamic type binding is closely related to implicit heap-dynamic variables. Explain this relationship.
    * Both are related to the assignment and the statement.

5. Describe a situation when a history-sensitive variable in a subprogram is useful.
    * History sensitive variables may be useful in data manipulation subprograms, where some operation is performed on a variable, and the function exits, then the function is called again. This way, the function doesn't have to take the variable as a parameter, but only to return it.

Answers of Concepts of Programming Languages 10th - Chapter 3

Martin - 1601213690

02 PBT

Review Questions

1. Define syntax and semantics.
    * Syntax is the grammatical rules and structural patterns governing the ordered use of appropriate words and symbols for issuing commands, writing code, etc., in a particular software application or programming language.
    * Semantics provides the rules for interpreting the syntax which do not provide the meaning directly but constrains the possible interpretations of what is declared.

2. Who are language descriptions for?
    * Language descriptions are written for the potential users, who are the initial evaluates of the language.

3. Describe the operation of a general language generator.
    * A general language generator is a device that can be used to generate the sentences of the language. It generates unpredictable sentences which makes a generator seems to be a device of limited usefulness as language descriptor.

4. Describe the operation of a general language recognizer.
    * A general language recognizer is a recognition device capable of reading strings of characters from the alphabet. It would analyze the given string and it would either accept or reject the string based from the language given.

5. What is the difference between a sentence and a sentential form?
    * A sentence is a sentential form that has only terminal symbols.
    * A sentential form is every string of symbols in the derivation.

6. Define a left-recursive grammar rule.
    * Left recursion is a particular form of recursion that cannot be directly handled by the simple LL(1) parsing algorithm.

7. What three extensions are common to most EBNFs?
    * Optional parts are placed in brackets ([])
    * Put alternatives in parentheses and separate them with vertical bars (+|-)
    * Put repetitions ( 0 or more ) in braces ({})

8. Distinguish between static and dynamic semantics.

    * Static semantics is more on the legal forms of programs ( syntax rather semantics ) and is only indirectly related to the meaning of the programs during execution. Static semantics is so named because the analysis required to check these specifications can be done at compile time. In many cases, the semantic rules of language state its type constraints.
    * Dynamic semantics is describing the meaning of the programs. Programmers need to know precisely what statements of a language do. Compile writers determine the semantics of a language for which they are writing compilers from English descriptions.

10. What is the difference between a synthesized and an inherited attribute?
    * The synthesized attributes are the result of the attribute evaluation rules, and may also use the values of the inherited attributes.
    * The inherited attributes are passed down from parent nodes.

12. What is the primary use of attribute grammars?
    * An attribute grammar is a device used to describe more of the structure of a programming language than is possible with a context-free grammar. The primary purpose of an attribute grammar is it allows certain language rules to be described, such as type of compatibility.

Problem Set

1. The two mathematical models of language description are generation and recognition. Describe how each can define the syntax of a programming language.

3. Rewrite the BNF of Example 3.4 to give + precedence over * and force + to be right associative.
    * <assign> -> <id> = expr
       <id>       -> A | B | C
       <expr>   -> <expr> - <term>
       | <term>
       <term>   -> <term> / <factor>
       | <factor>
       <factor> -> (<expr>)
       | <id>

6. Using the grammar in example 3.2, show a parse tree and a leftmost derivation for each of the following statements :
    a.    =
         /   \
       a      *
             /   \
           *       a
         /   \
       b      +
             /   \
           c      a
    b.    =
         /   \
        b     *
             /   \
           +      c
          / \
        a    *
            /  \
          c     b
    c.    =
         /   \
        a     +
             /  \
            *    a
          /  \
        b     c

7. Using the grammar in Example 3.4, show a parse tree and a leftmost derivation for each of the following statements :
    a. A=(A+B)*C


    b. A=B+C+A

<factor> -> (<expr>)

    c. A=A*(B+C)


    d. A=B*(C*(A+B))


13. Write a grammar for the language consisting of string that have n copies of letter a followed by the same number of copies of the letter b, where n>0. For example, the strings ab, aaaabbbb, and aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb are in the language but a, abb, ba, and aaabb are not.

18. What is a fully attributed parse tree?
    * The tree is said to be fully attributed if all the attribute in a parse tree have been computed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Funny Accident

In 21 March 2013, Me and some of my friends be a team of rafting expedition form by six persons. The weather was so cold and so was the water. The weather was raining that day.

The beginning we all have fun, like there's nothing will happen. Till we suddenly hit a rock and the boat fell upside down. It's a nightmare, you won't know how it feels when suddenly fell without any anticipations.

I held the rope beside the boat tightly and all I saw is just brown water. I knew I was falling and it felt like I was playing a roller coaster. I kept drowning and what came out in my mind was try to reach the surface as soon as possible because I was out of breath.

When I reached the surface, I was in the boat, under the boat, go with the flow of the river. I still calmed and looked for the way out. I tried to drown again and pushed the boat aside with the idea that I could came out from the boat so I knew where I was and it won't make me panic. When I drowned a little while and came out on the surface, I hope that I could see the sky above me. However, I came out again in the boat, under the boat.

It made me panic and I thought I was going to die at that time. Suddenly the boat fell again, and I got drown for couple of seconds. I came out, still holding the rope and began to shout "Help!".

And again there was a problem, when I was thinking about my life, the river also washed away my pants. It's really pissed me off. I held my pants with my left hand and held the rope with my another hand. And again I shouted "Help!".

After one or two minutes, the boat stopped at the shallow water. I knew the rescuers already pulled the boat to somewhere safe. I tried to take on my pants, but it was wet and hard to take it on. Till they opened the boat and saw me was under the boat. I could saw a lot of worries on their faces, my friends and also the rescuers. But my pants was still not at the right place.

It was really embarrassing and also a good story to be told.

Here is the photo before I fell.


Outing Program 2013

Outing Program 2013 by Bina Nusantara English Club at 20-21 March 2013 was a perfect event. I really enjoyed the trip and it was so much fun.

There were paintball, rafting, amazing race, and many more.

Here is some photos of Outing Program with all my precious friends.

 Have a photo before starting the event

Paintball terrorist team

The best rafting team ever, almost take life

Answers of Concepts of Programming Languages 10th - Chapter 2

Martin - 1601213690

02 PBT

Review Questions

1. In what year was Plankalkul designed? In what year was that design published?
    * Plankalkul was designed by Konrad Zuse between 1942 & 1945. He first published a paper on it in 1948. More information on the language was published in 1972.

2. What two common data structures were included in Plankalkul?
    * Arrays and records

3. How were the pseudo codes of the early 1950s implemented?
    * The pseudo codes were implemented by a pure interpreter.

4. Speedcoding was invented to overcome two significant shortcomings of the computer hardware of the early 1950s. What were they?
    * Numerical and required floating-point arithmetic operations and indexing of some sort to allow the convenient use of arrays.

5. Why was the slowness of interpretation of programs acceptable in the early 1950s?
    * Because the lack of floating-point hardware in the available computers.

6. What hardware capability that first appeared in the IBM 704 computer strongly affected the evolution of programming languages? Explain why.
    * Doth indexing and floating-point instructions in hardware

7. In what year was the Fortran design project begun?
    * 1954

8. What was the primary application area of computers at the time Fortran was designed?
    * Mathematic

9. What was the source of all of the control flow statements of Fortran I?
    * 704 instructions.

10. What was the most significant feature added to Fortran I to get Fortran II?
    * The independent compilation of subroutines.

11. What control flow statements were added to Fortran IV to get Fortran 77?
    * Logical loop control statements.

12. Which version of Fortran was the first to have any sort of dynamic variables?
    * Fortran 99

13. Which version of Fortran was the first to have character string handling?
    * Fortran 77

14. Why were linguists interested in artificial intelligence in the late 1950s?
    * Linguists were concerned with natural language processing.

15. Where was LISP developed? By whom?
    * LISP was developed at MIT by John McCarthy

16. In what way are Scheme and Common LISP opposites of each other?
    * Scheme lacks of portability, but common LISP doesn't.

17. What dialect of LISP is used for introductory programming courses at some universities?
    * Scheme

18. What two professional organizations together designed ALGOL 60?
    * ACM and GAMM

19. In what version of ALGOL did block structure appear?
    * ALGOL 60

20. What missing language element of ALGOL 60 damaged its chances for widespread use?
    * The lack of input and output statements.

21. What language was designed to describe the syntax of ALGOL 60?
    * BNF

22. On what language was COBOL based?

23. In what year did the COBOL design process begin?
    * 1959

Problem Set

1. What features of Plankalkul do you think would have had the greatest influence of Fortran 0 if the Fortran designers had been familiar with Plankalkul?
    * The logical loop control statements and an "if" with an optional "else clause.

2. Determine the capabilities of Backus's 701 Speedcoding system, and compare them with those of a contemporary programmable hand calculator.
    * The capabilities of Backus's 701 Speedcoding system :
       - As few instructions as possible should be required to specify a program. Programming time should be minimized.
       - Programs should be easy to check out.
       - Scaling should be unnecessary.
       - Address modification should be made very convenient.
       - Transfer of arbitrary blocks of information to and from high-speed storage should be easy to specify.
       - Common functions should be readily available.
       - Optional automatic checking of calculations should be provided.

3. Write a short history of the A-0, A-1, and A-2 systems designed by Grace Hopper and her associates.
    * A-0 was the first compiler ever developed for an electronic computer. The A-0 system was followed by the A-1, A-2, A-3, AT-3 and B-0. The A-2 system was developed at the UNIVAC division of Remington Rand in 1953 and released to customers by the end of that year. Grace Hopper is a hero.

4. As a research project, compare the facilities of Fortran 0 with those of the Laning and Zierler system,
    * The effect of the Laning and Zierler system on the development of Fortran is a question which has been muddled by many misstatements on my part. I believed that we had gotten the idea for using algebraic notation in Fortran from seeing a demonstration of Laning and Zierler system at MIT.

5. Which of the three original goals of the ALGOL design committee, in your opinion, was most difficult to achieve at that time?
    * a reference syntax, a publication syntax, and an implementation syntax.

6. Make an educated guess as to the most common syntax error in LISP programs.
    * Undefined escape sequences in literal strings. The backslash character can be used in literal strings and characters :
       - to escape various characters
       - to introduce an escape sequence representing a character

7. LISP began as a pure functional language but gradually acquired more and more imperative features. Why?
    * Because there is always a new idea for the uses and begin to develop the language.

8. Describe in detail the three most important reasons, in your opinion, why ALGOL 60 did not become a very widely used language.
    * First, it is an interpreter type of language and focused on ease of use at the expense of system resources. Second, the running-time of a program that was written with the help of Speedcoding was usually ten to twenty times that of machine code.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Owl City & Yuna - Shine Your Way, Lyrics

Music by Owl City, Yuna performing Shine Your Way

Just before the dawn,
When the light is still gone,
Shine, Shine your way,
And you're may not know, Where to go,
Shine, Shine your way

Open road but it is still dark,
Built a fire from a spark,
And shine, Shine your way,
Feed the feeling in your heart,
Don't conceal it then you start,
To find, Find your way

No one can stop, What has begun,
You must believe when I say

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, Shine, Shine,
Shine your way

There is an open sky,
And the reason why,
You shine, Shine your way,
There is so much to learn,
And now is your turn,
To shine, Shine your way

There's a feeling deep inside,
You can let it be your guide,
To find, Find your way,
And there's no time for us to waste,
Got to take a leap of fate,
To fly, Fly away

Don't have to walk,
Now you can run,
Nothing can get in your way

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, Shine, Shine,
Shine your way

Morning is breaking,
Darkness is fading,
We found a way to the light,
It's such a beautiful sight

Anytime, Anywhere,
Turn around and I'll be there,
To shine, Shine your way

Like a star burning bright,
Lighting up the darkest night,
I'll shine, Shine your way

Now I can see,
You are the one,
Send here to show me the way

All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Starting today,
Shine, Shine, Shine,
We're on our way,
Shine, Shine, Shine,
That's what we say,
Shine, Shine, Shine,
Shine your way

And the reason why,
You shine, Shine your way,
All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,
Shine your way

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Answers of Concepts of Programming Languages 10th - Chapter 1

Martin - 1601213690

02 PBT

Review Questions

1. Why is it useful for a programmer to have some background in language design, even though he or she may never actually design a programming language?
    * It is useful for a programmer to have some background in language design because it increased capacity to express ideas, improved background for choosing appropriate languages, increased ability to learn new languages, better understanding of the significance of implementation, better use of languages that are already known and overall advancement of computing.

2. How can knowledge of programming language characteristics benefits the whole computing community?
    * Knowledge of programming language benefiting the whole computing community. People can solve their own problems so troubleshooters lose their jobs and it will reduce the number of common sense-lacking questions.

3. What programming language has dominated scientific computing over the past 50 years?

4. What programming language has dominated business applications over the past 50 years?
    * COBOL

5. What programming language has dominated artificial intelligence over the past 50 years?
    * LISP

6. In what language is most of UNIX written?
    * UNIX was written in the language C. In fact, C was created to write the UNIX operating system.

7. What is the disadvantage of having too many features in a language?
    * A disadvantage of having too many features is reduced readability. It also means that a programmer may not be familiar with all the features. This may lead to an abuse of some, disuse of others and even an accidental use of an unknown feature.

8. How can user-defined operator overloading harm the readability of a program?
    * Because the built in operator has the precision and compiler knows all the precision between the operators, and it works on that precision. User can also create its own operator but the compiler does not come to know how to make precision of this operator. Therefore we don't use user-defined operator.

9. What is one example of a lack of orthogonality in the design of C?
    * A struct can be returned from a function but an array cannot.

10. What language used orthogonality as a primary design criterion?
    * LISP a functional language is one in which computations are made primarily by applying function to given program.

Problem Set

1. Do you believe our capacity for abstract thought is influenced by our language skills? Support your opinion.
    * Yes, I do believe. Because when you learned some programming languages, it will help you to improve your capacity for abstract thought naturally, because we can't learn programming languages without using our capacity for abstract thought.

2. What are some features of specific programming languages you know whose rationales are a mystery to you?
    * Honestly, all programming languages that I knew are a mystery for me. So far I just learned language of C. It still make me confuse why a programming language like C can control how the computer works.

3. What arguments can you make for the idea of a single language for all programming domains?
    * Actually, I don't really like to make a single language for all the programming domains because all the programming domains have its own style and that's why it was fun to learn.

4. What arguments can you make against the idea of a single language for all programming domains?
    * All the programming domains have its own style and that's why it was fun to learn.

6. What common programming language statement, in your opinion, is most detrimental to readability?
    * Until now I just learned one programming language, it is C, and I didn't find any detrimental to readability.

8. Many languages distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in user-defined names. What are the pros and cons of this design decision?
    * The pros is we can make a tidy program. The cons is sometimes it will be a big mistake if we didn't thorough.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Asian English Olympic 2013

This is one of the biggest English Olympic in Asia, Asian English Olympic 2013 by Bina Nusantara English Club ( BNEC ) and Bina Nusantara University. The participants came from all around the Asia, especially ASEAN. They came from Malaysia, Philippine, Korea, and of course some of them from Indonesia. Moreover, there were judges come from Singapore, India, and Japan. That was just really amazing.

I'm the part of Liaison Officer of this event.

Honestly, 4 days of this event, it was very tiring. I have to wake around 4am and arrive there at 5am and began to preparing everything.

However, this event is so worth it. I found so many new friends, they are so kind and professional, have some skills in having relation with others. They are just perfect. I learned so many things from them, and I could say that those are the best moments I ever had in my life. They are another family for me. I love them.

These are some pictures from the event, hope you guys enjoy.

 General Support Division

 with Sheila Wee, Godmother of Singapore Story Telling

 with Dalton Tanonaka and the participants

General Support Extraordinary :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Incarceron is a very big prison. It's not just cells, but there are towns, metal forests, jungles, and seas. The prison has been locked from the outside world for centuries, and only a person, according to the legend, ever got out from there.
Finn, the main roles in this book, is a seventeen years old prisoner. He didn't remember anything about his childhood. Moreover, he believed that he was from the outside world. He found a crystal key and communicate with outside world girl named Claudia, daughter of warden of Incarceron.
Finn wanted to get out from the prison and Claudia believed she could help. However, they didn't realize that Incarceron hide many mysteries. The effort to get out from the prison is impossible and life is at stake.

Finally, I finish reading this book. This book is written by Catherine Fisher. Overall I give this book 3 of 5. At the beginning, the story is a little complicated and a little hard to understand how the world and the story like. Finn and Claudia have a really different world. At the beginning they didn't even connect one to each other until the middle of the story, then you will finally realize the real goal. They split some clans of people but didn't tell readers how the clans looked like. Moreover, the story didn't tell us how the prison named Incarceron looked like.

Exercise Chapter 2 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   False
2.   False
3.   True
4.   False
5.   True
6.   False
7.   True
8.   True
9.   False
10. False
11. True
12. True

Multiple Choice

1. C ( A cellular radio network )
2. B ( periods )
3. C ( Hypermedia )
4. A ( put the most important terms last )
5. A ( microblog )
6. A ( thumbnail )
7. C ( Uploading )
8. C ( Netiquette )


1.   h
2.   b
3.   f
4.   e
5.   a
6.   i
7.   d
8.   g
9.   j
10. c

Short Answer

1. * Three different types of broadband Internet services :
       - Cable internet service provides high-speed Internet access through the cable television network via a cable modem
       - DSL provides high-speed internet connections using regular copper telephone lines
       - Wi-Fi uses radio signals to provide high-speed internet connections to compatible or properly equipped wireless computers and devices.
    * Regional ISP provides internet access to a specific geographic area while national ISP provides internet in cities and towns nationwide.

2. * Static webpage allows all visitors to see the same content. Dynamic webpage allows users to customize some or all content.
    * Web site is a collection of related Web pages and associated items, such as documents and pictures, stored on a Web server.

3. * Web application is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software through a Web browser on any computer and device that is connected to the internet.
    * The features and examples of Web applications are : Google Docs ( word processing, spreadsheets, presentations ), Turbo Tax Online ( tax preparation ), Windows Live Hotmail ( E-mail ).

4. * The three types of specifications used by content aggregators to distribute content are RSS 2.0, Atom, Web slices
    * Accuracy of a Web site can be evaluated by using evaluation criteria : affiliation, audience, authority, content, currency, design, objectivity.

5. * Web publishing is the development and maintenance of Web pages.
    * The 5 major steps in Web publishing are plan a Web site, analyze and design a Web site, create a Web site, deploy a Web site, maintain a Web site.

Exercise Chapter 1 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   True
2.   False
3.   False
4.   True
5.   False
6.   False
7.   True
8.   True
9.   True
10. True
11.  False

Multiple Choice

1. B ( computers and their uses )
2. A ( Data )
3. C ( photo sharing community )
4. A ( podcast )
5. A ( System software )
6. B ( instant )
7. B ( enterprise computing )
8. D ( A neutral network )


1.   a
2.   j
3.   g
4.   d
5.   h
6.   b
7.   f
8.   i
9.   c
10. e

Short Answer

1. * A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can accept data, process the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for future use.
    * The information processing cycle is input, process, output, storage.

2. * Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of the hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, neck, and back.
    * Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting natural resource and polluting the environment. When computers are discarded in landfills, they can release toxic materials and potentially.

3. * A Web application is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software from any computer or device that is connected to the internet.
    * Web 2.0 provide a means for users to share personal information ( such as social networking Web sites ), allow users to modify the Web site contents ( such as some blogs ), and/or have software built into the site for users to access ( such as Web applications ).

4. * Seven categories of computer : PC, mobile computers / devices, embedded computer, super computer, mainframes, servers, and game consoles.
    * A computer's size, speed, processing power, and price determine the category it best fits.

5. * Many Web sites provide up-to-date medical, fitness, nutrition, or exercise information. These Web sites also maintain lists of doctors and dentists to help you find the one that suits your needs. They have chat rooms, so that you can talk to others diagnosed with similar conditions. Some Web sites even allow you to order prescriptions online.
    * Through telemedicine, health-care professsionals in separate locations conduct live conferences on the computer. While telesurgery, also called remote surgery, a surgeon performs an operation on a patient who is not located in the same physical room as the surgeon.

Exercise Chapter 15 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   True
2.   False
3.   True
4.   True
5.   False
6.   False
7.   True
8.   True
9.   True
10. True

Multiple Choice

1. A ( chief technology officer (CTO) )
2. C ( data communications analyst / VoIP specialist )
3. C ( articulation agreement )
4. A ( Computer information systems (CIS) )
5. D ( all of the above )
6. B ( user groups and trade schools )
7. D ( Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA) )
8. B ( CCNA )


1.   e
2.   d
3.   j
4.   g
5.   h
6.   b
7.   f
8.   i
9.   a
10. c

Short Answer

1. * Advantage of attending a trade school is time savings. Trade schools teach specific skills instead of requiring students take a broad range of courses in the sciences and humanities.
    * Factors that should be considered when selecting a trade school are ask the advisers if the trade school has an articulation agreement with a nearby college or university and ensures that if the students transfer to a college or university, they will receive credit for most of the courses taken at their current school.

2. * The benefit of professional growth and continuing education is staying aware of new products and services in the computer industry because technology changes so rapidly.
    * Some ways can be kept up-to-date about industry trends and technologies are participate in professional growth and continuing education activities such as workshops, seminars, conferences, conventions, and trade shows.

3. * About choosing a certification it should be reflected on the career goals and interest.
    * Four options for preparing for certification :
       - Self-study : flexible self-study programs help professionals prepare for certification at their own pace and supplement other training methods.
       - Online training classes : online training allows students to set their own pace in an interactive environment and combines the technological advantages of computer-based training with the connectivity of the Internet or a company's intranet.
       - Instructor-led training : available in a variety of forms, including seminars, which typically are held for several days during a week, boot camps, which immerse students in intensive course work for up to two weeks, and academic-style classes, which span a period of several weeks or months.
       - Web resources : the certification sponsor's Web site generally contains descriptions of the available certifications, with FAQs and links to authorized training and testing centers.

4. * The focus of programmer / developer certification is training programs that prepare applications for the certification test. Other types of certification are beneficial to those interested in programmer / developer certification are Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA), Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP), IBM Certified Solution Developer, Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Sun Certified Enterprise Architect (SCEA), Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD), Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP), and Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD).
    * Those people who might be interested in programmer / developer certification are Java programmers, Mobile application developers, Oracle database managers, Programming consultants, SQL programmers, Web software developers, XML developers.

5. * Hardware certification vary in scope from a narrow focus with an emphasis on the repair of a specific device to an integrated hardware solution that addresses a company's current and future computing needs.
    * People in the following careers may be interested in hardware certification are cable installation technicians, computer repair technicians, corporate trainers, help desk specialists, IT consultants, system engineers and administrators.     

Exercise Chapter 14 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   True
2.   False
3.   False
4.   True
5.   False
6.   False
7.   True
8.   True
9.   True
10. False

Multiple Choice

1. C ( SMBs )
2. B ( reduces costs of maintenance and increases )
3. A ( Business intelligence )
4. B ( quality control software )
5. A ( VPN tunnel )
6. D ( legacy system )
7. A ( Fibre Channel )
8. D ( selective backup )


1.   h
2.   f
3.   b
4.   e
5.   d
6.   g
7.   a
8.   j
9.   i
10. c

Short Answer

1. * Managers are responsible for coordinating and controlling an organization's resources.
    * Four activities managers perform to coordinate :
       1. Planning : objectives, strategies, tactics.
       2. Organizing : money, people, management, structure.
       3. Leading : communications, instructions, motivation.
       4. Controlling : performance, measurement, corrective action.

2. * Content Management System (CMS) is an information system that is a combination of databases, software, and procedures that organizes and allows access to various forms of documents and other files, including images and multimedia content.
    * Type of content may be processed by a content is a content management system includes information about the files and data, called metadata.

3. * Two types of virtualization :
       - Server virtualization : provides the capability to divide a physical server logically into many virtual servers.
       - Storage virtualization : provides the capability to create a single logical storage device from many physical storage devices.
    * Cloud computing is an Internet service that provides computing needs to computer users.
       Grid computing combines many servers and/or personal computers on a network, such as the Internet, to act as one large computer.
       Companies use them because they allow a company to diversify its network and server infrastructure.

4. * Five types of E-Commerce :
       - E-Retail
       - Finance
       - Travel
       - Entertainment and Media
       - Health
    * Describe three of five types of E-Commerce :
       - E-Retail : also called e-tail, occurs when retailers use the Web to sell their products and services.
       - Entertainment and Media : music, video, news, sporting events, and 3D multiplayer games are a growing part of the Web's future. Newsprint on the Web is not replacing the newspaper, but enhancing it and reaching different populations.
       - Heath : many Web sites provide up-to-date medical, fitness, nutrition, or exercise information. Some Web sites offer the capability to listen in on health-related seminars and discussion.

5. * Backup plan contains :
       - The location of backup data, supplies, and equipment
       - The personnel responsible for gathering backup resources and transporting them to the alternate computer facility
       - A schedule indicating the order in which, and approximate time by which, each application should be up and running.
    * Factors contribute to the success of a backup plan is employees must be trained in the backup and recovery procedures and the location of the alternate computer facility.

Natalie Hiong - Part of Me Wonders, Lyrics

Part of Me Wonders
Music and lyrics by Natalie Hiong

Baby I just gotta come clean
I can't give you what you want from me
Don't get me wrong
I still think about you all the time

Only time will tell
If we are meant to be together
For now I'm like a balloon
I wanna fly fly fly
So don't hold me down oh

Part of me wonders
If I'm letting my true love
Walk right out of my life
Just for the foolish reason
That I wanna have fun now
I wanna have fun oh

I don't try to pretend
That it's been easy for me
Many a sleepless night
Wondering if I'm doing what's right

I could let it hang in the air
I know that wouldn't be fair
So I gotta tell you now

Part of me wonders
If I'm letting my true love
Walk right out of my life
Just for the foolish reason
That I wanna have fun now
I wanna have fun oh

I still wanna put myself out there
My heart's still willing to be broken
But maybe that will help me to see
How good you are to me
But baby, I won't make you wait
If I lose you, it's my mistake

Chorus x2

Monday, January 14, 2013

Exercise Chapter 13 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   True
2.   True
3.   False
4.   False
5.   True
6.   False
7.   False
8.   False
9.   False
10. False

Multiple Choice

1. A ( compiler )
2. C ( event driven )
3. C ( Java )
4. S ( SQL )
5. A ( VBScript )
6. C ( SharePoint Designer )
7. D ( Dreamweaver )
8. B ( encapsulation )


1.   g
2.   d
3.   j
4.   i
5.   c
6.   e
7.   a
8.  a
9.   f
10. h

Short Answer

1. * Compiler : a program which converts the higher level language in lower level language. In case of compiler, it reads a whole block of code at a time, converts it into executable code, and runs the code.
       Interpreter : a program which converts the higher level language in lower level language or assembly language or binary language. It reads one line of code at a time, converts it into binary language and then runs the code on the machine.
    * The advantage of an interpreter is if there is any error on the middle of the program then the program is interrupted in between.
       The disadvantage of an interpreter is after removing the error the programs needs to run again from the beginning.

2. * Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) benefits :
       - OOP provides a clear modular structure for programs which makes it good for defining abstract datatype where implementation details are hidden and the unit has a clearly defined interface.
       - OOP makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code as new objects can be created with small differences to existing ones.
       - OOP provides a good framework for code libraries where supplied software components can be easily adapted and modified by the programmer. This is particularly useful for developing graphical user interfaces.
    * Rapid Application Development (RAD) uses predefined prototyping techniques and tools to produce software applications. It encompasses a graphical user interface (GUI) development environment, allowing end users to easily drag and drop required software application components.

3. * A code editor, a compiler, a debugger, and a graphical user interface (GUI) builder is included in an integrated development environment.
    * The programming languages in the Visual Studio suite is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually.

4. * XML is used in many aspects of web development, often to simplify data storage and sharing.
    * Two applications of XML :
       - RSS 2.0 : stands for Really Simple Syndication
       - ATOM : specifications that content aggregation use to distribute content to subscribers.

5. * In documenting the solution, the programmer performs two activities :
       1. review the program code
       2. review all the documentation
    * Proper documentation greatly reduces the amount of time a new programmer spends learning about existing programs.

Exercise Chapter 12 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   False
2.   True
3.   False
4.   False
5.   False
6.   True
7.   False
8.   False
9.   False
10. True
11. False

Multiple Choice

1. A ( Extreme project management )
2. B ( PERT chart )
3. C ( project request )
4. A ( mandated by management or some other governing body )
5. C ( decision table )
6. D ( system proposal )
7. A ( Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) )
8. D ( acceptance )


1.   d
2.   e
3.   a
4.   b
5.   i
6.   g
7.   f
8.   j
9.   c
10.  k

Short Answer

1. * System Development is a general term applied to a variety of structured organized processes for developing information technology and embedded software systems.
    * The five phases of the System Development Life Cycle (SLDC) :
       - Analyze ~ the main output is the Business Requirement Document. It would also define test scripts.
       - Design ~ the functional designs and technical designs are the deliverable created in design. It describe how the system will behave and what functions it will contain. It also describe what systems, tables and programs will be created or impacted.
       - Build ~ the main deliverable in this phase are the actual programs and any required documentation.
       - Test ~ the main output is a fully tested system ready for production.
       - Deploy ~ the main output of this phase is a product application now being used by the users to perform their job functions more efficiently.

2. * Four types of feasibility :
       - Operational feasibility : measures how well the proposed information system will work. Will the users like the new system? Will they use it? Will it meet their requirements? Will it cause any changes in their work environment? Is it secure?
       - Schedule feasibility : measures whether the established deadlines for the project are reasonable. If a deadline is not reasonable, the project leader might make a new schedule. If a deadline cannot be extended, then the scope of the project might be reduced to meet a mandatory deadline.
       - Technical feasibility : measures whether the organization has or can obtain the hardware, software, and people needed to deliver and then support the proposed information system.
       - Economic feasibility : measures whether the lifetime benefits of the proposed information system will be greater than its lifetime costs. A systems analyst often consults the advice of a business analyst, who uses many financial techniques, such as return on investment (ROI) and payback analyst, to perform the cost/benefits analysis.
    * Six techniques to gather data and information :
       1. Identify the areas for which information is required
       2. Created the necessary research questions
       3. Determine the sources of data
       4. Research to gather the raw data
       5. Confirm that the data is correct
       6. Process the data to derive meaningful information and then translate into goals and requirements

3. * Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to specify, visualize, modify, construct and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software-intensive system under development.
    * Use case diagrams : represent the functions of a system from the user's point of view.
       Class diagrams : represent the static structure in terms of classes and relationships.

4. * The operations, support, and security phase consists of three major activities :
       1. perform maintenance activities
       2. monitor system performance
       3. assess system security
    * Type of maintenance activity :
       - Corrective maintenance : the process of diagnosing and correcting errors in an information system.
       - Adaptive maintenance : the process of including new features of capabilities in an information system.
       - Performance monitoring : the process to determine whether the system is inefficient or unstable at any point.
       - Perfectible maintenance is the process to investigate solutions to make the information system more efficient and reliable.

5. * Summarizes in writing all of the safeguards that are in place to protect an organization's information assets.
    * Three things should a computer security plan do :
       - Identify all information assets of an organization, including hardware, software documentation, procedures, people, data, facilities, and supplies.
       - Identify all security risks that may cause an information asset loss. Rank risks from most likely to least likely to occur.
       - Identify the safeguards that exist to detect, prevent, and recover from a loss for each risk.

Exercise Chapter 11 - Discovering Computer 2011 - Living in Digital World

Martin - 1601213690

01 PBT

True / False

1.   True
2.   True
3.   False
4.   True
5.   False
6.   True
7.   True
8.   True
9.   False
10. False
11. True
12. False

Multiple Choice

1. B ( payload )
2. D ( all of the above )
3. A ( denial of service attack )
4. C ( Digital forensics )
5. C ( hardware theft )
6. D ( encryption )
7. D ( power usage effectiveness (PUE) )
8. C ( social engineering )


1.   j
2.   d
3.   e
4.   g
5.   i
6.   c
7.   b
8.  a
9.   h
10. f

Short Answer

1. * There are two ways that an antivirus programs detect and identify a virus. First, it scans or monitors the programs by its code, if it found a program code that matches with the virus code in its signature database, it will consider that program is a virus. Second, it scans or monitors the programs by analyzing its behavior, such as modification of critical system files, if any behavior seems suspicious, then the antivirus program will alert the user that there are suspicious behavior, or it may alert the user that malicious actions are about to be performed, and block that behavior.
    * Virus hoax is a false warning about a computer virus.

2. * ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.
    * The users should recycle obsolete computers properly. Then, the revamped end product would be sold at a low price or donated to the less fortunate in the society.

3. * Information privacy is considered an important aspect of information sharing. With the advancement of digital age, personal information vulnerabilities have increased.
    * Five ways to protect personal information :
       1. Don't use your primary email address.
       2. Don't give out your phone number.
       3. Don't give out your birth date.
       4. Don't ever give out your credit card number, driver's license number, or Social Security number.
       5. Be savvy, if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

4. * The two best methods for avoiding phishing attacks are first to abandon any outdated email software. Get a Gmail account if you can, they are top of the line in preventing phishing attacks. Another method is to tighten up your browser's security settings.
    * Clickjacking has introduced a new threat to images, links, website, forms, guest-books, bank log in pages, and many more can now be used by hackers to compromise your computer. Attackers now have a way to place invisible code behind web elements mentioned above and there is no way to detect if a page has been compromised.

5. * Content filtering is used by corporations as part of internet firewall computers and also by home computer owners, especially by parents to screen the content their children have access to from a computer.
    * Internet content rating systems define special metadata to describe web content, so-called content labels. The creation of this metadata is generally performed on a voluntary basis by the content providers themselves, who will also technically integrate the rating information into their websites. Another though less common scenario involves third parties in the role of the content rating institution, who will classify content on behalf of others and provide this rating information on request.